About us
For more than 20 years, the Zoo de La Palmyre has been taking an active part in preserving the biodiversity by supporting conservation programmes around the world.
At the end of 2021, the park has created its own endowment fund, Palmyre Conservation, in order to strengthen its action for protecting endangered wildlife species and their natural habitats.
Our mission
Palmyre Conservation contributes to achieve a mission of general interest whose objective are the long-term preservation of species threatened with extinction in France and abroad as well as the maintenance of local human communities within a healthy environment enabling a sustainable development.
To do so, the endowment fund financially supports and accompanies non-profit organizations that led:
- Actions for the conservation of wild fauna and flora through scientific studies and the sustainable protection of habitats and natural resources;
- Actions for public awareness and education;
- Humanitarian aid activities contributing to the sustainable socio-economic development of local communities.
© Proyecto Titi © LTBF © Virunga National Park
Thanks to your donations, Palmyre Conservation provides financial support, expertise and/or logistic support to initiatives carried out in the field to preserve endangered species with the help of local communities.
Nearly twenty programmes are currently funded by Palmyre Conservation in South America, Africa, Asia and France. They implement activities in partnership with and to the benefit of local populations. Those are related to different but complementary fields, for example:
- Protection of the habitat,
- Behavioural studies,
- Anti-poaching actions,
- Human-animal conflicts mitigation,
- Fight against wildlife trafficking,
- Reintroductions,
- Reforestation,
- Creation of protected areas,
- Development of ecotourism,
- Development of sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative sources of income,
- Improvement of hygiene practices and facilitation of accesso to care
- Community education and awareness.

The overall objective of Palmyre Conservation is to contribute to establishing a sustainable balance between the needs of wildlife, the development of resident human communities and the use of resources in order to ensure the long-term conservation of the natural environment which is so essential to our survival.