
News from the field

Sous titre
The latest news from the organizations we support.
Pose de nichoirs à chauves-souris au Zoo de La Palmyre
Pose de nichoirs à chauves-souris au Zoo de La Palmyre
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Nesting boxes for bats
In order to encourage the establishment of bats within the park and thus contribute to their protection, we have installed a dozen nesting boxes in specific locations.
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Loutre géante des Pripris de Yiyi en Guyane
Loutre géante des Pripris de Yiyi en Guyane
South America
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The Giant Otters of the Pripris
Since last year, Palmyre Conservation has been supporting the work of the Association SEPANGUY who seeks to better understand the giant otter population of the Pripris, a large wetland located in northwestern French Guiana.
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Visite test de la forêt d'Anokolona sur le site de conservation d'Helpsimus à Madagascar
Bureau d'accueil des écotouristes venant visiter la forêt d'Ankolona sur le site d'Helpsimus à Madagascar
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Region afrique Palmyre Conservation
Mission Madagascar with Helpsimus - Part IV
The location where Helpsimus has been developing its conservation activities in Madagascar is home to an exceptional flora and fauna: five species of lemurs several of which being exclusively nocturnal, small carnivores (ring-tailed mongooses, rodents), various species of birds (Madagascar long-eared owl, blue coua...), amphibians, reptiles (snakes, geckos...).
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Classe verte organisée par l'association Helpsimus à Madagascar
Enfant participant à une classe verte organisée par l'association Helpsimus à Madagascar
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Region afrique Palmyre Conservation
Mission Madagascar with Helpsimus - Part III
"During my mission in Madagascar, I was asked to join the first two outdoor learning classes organized at the Simus School by Helpsimus."
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Zone humide des Pripris de Yiyi en Guyane - Photo Charles Bergère Mairie de Sinnamary
Loutre géante dans les Pripris de Yiyi en Guyane
South America
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Protecting the Giant otters in Guyana
A few months ago, Palmyre Conservation started to fund the conservation of giant otters in the Pripris of Yiyi in Guyana.
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